Slashers Ranked by Kill Count

Candyman Kill Count: 15
With only three movies, it isn’t surprising that Candyman isn’t a top slasher on this list. With another installment coming soon, this number could change and we don’t know just how much. Based on an urban legend, this slasher kills to make sure his existence is known.
Leatherface Kill Count: 31
Leatherface is the main slasher in the Chainsaw Massacre franchise, but the whole family gets in on the murder. Unfortunately, that leaves Leatherface closer to the bottom of our list. This franchise offers a total of eight films, averaging Leatherface less than four kills per movie.
Ghostface Kill Count: 36
The Scream franchise was another shorter series with only four movies. Each movie has its own Ghostface, with most of the movies having multiple killers under the mask. From it’s 2023 reboot, the “teen scream” is said to get another installment in 2023.
Chucky Kill Count: 47
Chucky is another famous slasher, one that haunts people even today. This notorious doll is featured in eight Child’s Play movies, slashing his way to the top half of our kill count. Regardless of what is bringing the doll to life (voodoo ritual, electrical malfunction, or rogue AI), Chucky manages to kill, seek out revenge, and build a family of his own.
Freddy Krueger Kill Count: 48
Freddy Krueger is always paired with Jason Voorhees, but how does he stand up in terms of kills? The nine Nightmare on Elm Street movies averages a little over 5 kills per movie (nowhere near the 14 average of Voorhees). Freddy Krueger offers a more psychological kill, in terms of his hunting and dream attacks.
Jigsaw Kill Count: 76
The Saw movies are probably some of the most gruesome on this list, but we haven’t made it to the top of the kill count yet. Including trap kills, this franchise brought 76 deaths over eight movies. We are looking forward to Spiral, the next installment, this year. Hopefully, the gore and unimaginable traps will continue and we can rack up some more kills!
Michael Myers Kill Count: 159
Michael Myers is one of our favorites here at Terror 29 and we are pleased to announce that he is second in line for the deadliest slasher! Michael racks up 159 kills over 12 films and will be adding more kills to the list later this year. To find out more about Michael Myers, check out our overview of the famous slasher! With an impressive kill count at 31 in Halloween Kills, Michael Myers still comes in second place.
Jason Voorhees Kill Count: 170
Jason Voorhees tops the list as the most dangerous serial killer. Through 12 movies, he manages over 150 kills! Just don’t go camping on Friday the 13th and you should be able to avoid this monster. Most of Jason’s killing sprees are brought on by campers, campers that Jason feels he needs to kill as revenge for his childhood bullying and murder.